November 2006

Meeting Minutes




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Board of Directors and General Membership Meeting
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Those present: Ed Royce, Lloyd Smith, Scott Williams, Dena Sundberg, Cindy Thill, Sue Rocha, John Smith, Gordon Hancock, Christine Hancock, Ken Stevens, Emily Diggles, Harry Love and Robin Wyatt-Little.
President Ed Royce convened the meeting at 8:30 AM. Introductions were made.
Motion to approve the minutes: Chris Hancock – 1st. Emily Diggles – 2nd. Unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Chris Hancock reports an operating budget of $2305.26. Post Office Box fee of $28.00 paid. Grant balances are:
Frazier Park - $79,500.00; Hungry gulch - $57,150.97; Kennedy Meadows - $17,329.78 and Mt. Pinos - $19,500.00.  Donations since October 24, 2006 total $1200.00
Sharon Rooney, outgoing treasurer (January 2007) donated the 2007 Quik Books Pro to the FSC, installed it on incoming Treasurer Chris Hancock’s computer and is training Chris in all manner of FSC bookkeeping with this software. THANKYOU SHARON!!!!!
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report: Robin Wyatt-Little – 1st. Gordon Hancock – 2nd.
Grant Reports: Ed Royce
No report for this period other than the progress on Kennedy Meadow POA’s CWPP project. Ed reports that Ken Delfino is on track and has incorporated feedback from KMPOA in the final draft(s).
Fundraising: Lloyd Smith
Donations are coming in nicely. Kudos to Lloyd Smith. Kern Valley Exchange Club voted to send a $100.00 donation (received after this meeting.) The next phase of fundraising will focus on the business community and specific community organizations. Robin is scheduling FSC power point presentations for early 2007 at which time Lloyd will be present and explain FSC funding needs. Lloyd reiterated that with federal grant funds diminishing, operating funds must be generated through donations.
In conjunction with the fundraising efforts, Scott Williams presented a mock-up of the FSC pamphlet. Enthusiastically received. Scott requests comments (376-3781 ext. 620) within two weeks at which time he will print out the final product for approval at the January meeting.
Firewise Demonstration Garden: Ed Royce
Ed has conferred with Marcine and as work schedules allow, a committee meeting will take place to determine details of the project.
Road Sign(s) Project: Ed Royce
Ed and Lloyd have worked on the funding of this project. The SCE contact is being established and once we have a definitive funding sponsor we will take the next step for permits and construction. Cindy Thill reiterated the need for very specific information regarding materials, wording of messages etc. for the permit process with Cal Trans. It was agreed by those present that the solar lighting aspect will not be pursued. The idea of the message board being constructed from plastic will be revisited regarding cost etc. Scott said he, along with Cindy will work on the graphics and have drafts of the selected messages to present by the February meeting along with an estimated cost of reproducing the needed 16 seasonal signs. Scott will also follow through with the construction of the wooden sign “frames”. NOTE:
Many thanks to Scott, Cindy and Dena for all their help to the FSC!
Publicity: Cindy Thill for Margie Clack
Cindy mentioned that Margie submitted the request for proposal for FSC Grant Administrator to the Kern River Courier and the Kern Valley Sun. Both were published.
KRV Fuels Collaboration Group Report: Scott Williams
Scott reports that the collaborative effort agreed on four grant projects, suggesting the list in priority order:
l. Kennedy Meadow road brushing/tree limbing and fuel reduction demonstration areas based on their CWPP recommendations. Ed Royce submitted a proposal outlining this project.
2. Walker Pass CWPP. Lloyd Smith submitted a written proposal for this project.
3. Tillie Creek hazardous fuels reduction project which would reduce fuels on private land and refresh previous fire breaks. This would be a joint project between BLM, KCFD and community members.
4. Bodfish Canyon hazardous fuels reduction project which is a proposed 7-phased project designed to reduce and break up the fuel load along Bodfish Canyon Road.
The above proposed projects, after approval, would be funded for 2008.
The grant applications will be submitted in early 2007.
Dena Sundberg is working on overlay road maps for the Kennedy Meadows proposed project.
Robin is attempting to schedule a FSC presentation for the Pala Ranches and Shadow Mountain neighborhoods (off Evans Road) in preparation for the Tillie Creek project. Her contact is Barrie Mann.
There are six projects which have been submitted to the Grant Clearinghouse but to date have not been funded. They are: Rodgers Road (upper drainage) hazardous fuels reduction project; Bodfish Canyon hazardous fuels reduction project; Tillie Creek hazardous fuels reduction project; KRV CWPP amendment project; Plater Road hazardous fuels reduction project and Isabella South/Erskine Creek fire break project.
For the 2008 funding period, two of these are scheduled for resubmission based on the collaborative priorities.
Lloyd Smith suggested the possibility of developing FSC sponsored “Burn Days”, much like our FSC Chipper Days. Lloyd feels that burning fuel piles by homeowners could be a scary endeavor given private property proximity to wilderness interface. He envisions getting KCFD to provide an on-site fire truck for fire prevention. To be researched further. Unanimous agreement this was a good, proactive idea.
Ed Royce asked for discussion regarding the projects identified for priority status. Unanimous agreement. Motion to accept the list as recommended – Lloyd Smith. 2nd – Robin Wyatt-Little. Unanimous approval.
FSC Boundary Map Expansion: John Smith
John Smith (KCFD) printed out three maps showing proposed expanded FSC sphere of influence boundaries. These maps also show the boundaries of the Tehachapi, Mt. Pinos and Frazier Park FSC’s. After much discussion it was agreed that Ed Royce, Lloyd Smith, John Smith, Sue Rocha and Debbie Santiago will serve as the committee who will determine the expanded boundary. Sue Rocha will contact Debbie.
Alder Creek: Harry Love
Harry reports that their FSC/Community of Alder Creek is close to receiving their 501c3 status but in the meantime has requested that our KRV FSC act as their fiscal agent so they may apply for Prop 40 grant funds to finance a chipper project in conjunction with CDF. They will have one chipper day per year x 3 years. The grant amount is $9000 and the fiscal agent fee would be $500.00. Following discussion Robin Wyatt-Little made the motion for the Kern River Valley FSC to act as fiscal agent for the Alder Creek FSC for this Prop 40 Chipper Grant project. Lloyd Smith – 2nd. Unanimous approval. Harry thanked the KRV FSC for continued stewardship throughout their FSC formation. Harry presented a donation in the amount of $250.00 from the Alder Creek FSC/Sequoia Crest POA.
Kern County FSC Meeting: Ken Stevens
Ken reports that the meeting was well attended and the KRV FSC power point was well received. There was discussion regarding a method of combining insurance coverage for the Kern County FSC’s. To be researched further. Also discussed was the possibility of sharing one Grant Administrator amongst all the FSC’s in Kern County or just between KRV and Tehachapi. This of course is dependent on whoever applied for the KRV FSC grant administrator position. To be refined at a later date.
Grant Administrator Position: Ed Royce
There has been one response thus far for the Grant Administrator RFP. Pat Pontes, former Forest Service Chief of Fire Management on the Los Padres Forest. Pat retired recently from the FS and has submitted his proposal. His qualifications are excellent. Ed Royce will continue talks with Pat regarding this position. Ed explained that because there are no KRV FSC grant projects for FY 2007 the grant administrator may not receive any reimbursement until late 2007. It was unanimously agreed that whoever is hired for this position, he/she will be allowed to administrate other FSC grant projects.
An early December grant writing workshop was discussed but deferred until members attend state FSC grant writing training sessions in December or January. The deadline for grant applications will be in mid-February, according to Kathy Brook.
There will NOT be a FSC general membership meeting in December.
Robin Wyatt-Little nominated Ed Royce for President; Lloyd Smith for Vice President and Christine Hancock for Treasurer. Cindy Thill nominated Bob Robinson for the Board of Directors. Another nomination is needed to replace Lloyd if his nomination is confirmed. Robin agreed to serve as secretary unless someone else would like the position.
Elections will be held January 18, 2007, Supervisor McQuiston’s conference room, Lake Isabella, 8:00 AM.
Respectfully submitted: Robin Wyatt-Little & Emily Diggles

Kern River Valley Fire Safe Council ● PO Box 633, Kernville, CA 93238

General information: Lloyd Smith ● (760) 377-3542 or Robin Little ● (760) 376-6842

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